Our giving platform, Zeffy, allows for a maximum gift of $4,999 on a credit card.  If you would like to give a larger amount, please make more than one credit card transaction or choose to give via bank draft.  (Bank drafts take 1 -2 days.)

To give a memorial/honor gift, please enter a message and the recipient's e-mail.  Your message will be automatically sent.


Zeffy gives 100% of your gift to PHCH.  Zeffy gives the donor an option to give a percentage to them, but it is not required.  You can choose OPTION on the percentage drop down box and enter $0 or give whatever percentage you choose.  Thank you.

In April 2023, Pleasant Hills Children's Home began a capital campaign to build a multi-purpose dining hall.

This new building will provide larger seating capacity for dining, a new commercial kitchen, a campus food pantry, a processing area, commercial size freezer and refrigerators, new bathrooms and laundry room, a stage with audio and video equipment for children's programs and presentations.

We are excited to announce that 68% of the budget has been raised.  We will be breaking ground soon!

Please help us obtain the remaining 32% by giving online or sending a check (with DINING HALL on the memo line )to 

PHCH P.O. Box 1177 Fairfield, TX  75840.

A gift of any size is appreciated and helpful. 

CarING & Sharing: Make a Difference         

Make a positive difference in the life of a child by becoming a faithful partner.

  • Schedule a campus tour.

  • Schedule a Pleasant Hills Children's Home representative to speak at your church or organization.

  • Provide a pantry shower.

  • Donate gift cards for clothing, shoes, birthday presents, or special restaurant outings (4 cottages with up to 12 children per home).

  • Include Pleasant Hills Children's Home in your missions giving.

  • Donate your used vehicle.

Feel free to contact us for more information.

Caring & Sharing

Dining Hall Campaign

Pleasant Hills Children's Home serves children based on their needs, not their ability to pay.

Generous individuals, churches, and organizations provide the financial foundation that helps serve needy children and youth in Texas.

Pleasant Hills Children's Home's good stewardship ensures we can care for children for future generations.

Pleasant Hills Children's Home is committed to protecting your private information and we do not share, sell or trade our mailing list to other groups or organizations,

nor will we send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.

Make a Contribution

Office: 903.389.2641

Mailing Address: ​PO Box 1177, Fairfield, TX 75840